Friday, August 16, 2013

I have a super fabulous heading for this post.... here it goes...

Our goat really needs to fart!!

Remember on that first page when I said that Martha doesn't live here, this would be one of those moments.  Our goat has *goat bloat* which looks incredibly uncomfortable for him.  The remedy you ask? He needs to fart.  Easier said than done, because I'm pretty sure that if he could...he would!

So tonight, we will say our prayers - and add one in there for little Bolt the goat, and tomorrow...we're on a mission. A mission to help the little gas pass some massive gas.  Wish us luck.  I'll keep you posted.
Starting this blog to record all the adventures (and misadventures) of the new homestead life.  This is all new to me..and it's quite funny at times..and a massive challenge at other times, but it's always rewarding.  If you're looking for Martha Stewart...she most definitely is not here! Enjoy, and I hope you find some humor in my mistakes and some hope in my successes (they come a little slower than the mistakes).